Your Transformation Begins Here
Renew your dedication, servitude & Worship to Allah. Excel in fulfilling the purpose of your existence. 

Focus on fixing your Character  and perfecting your Akhlaq

Be an effective Muslim
Empowered by your unique personal mission in life.

Your Transformation Begins Here

Each of our students graduates a transformed individual, inspired to change the World. Will you join them?


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Be the Best you can be for your Dunyah and Akhirah!

The Sabeel Pathway to  Excelling is a tarbiyah-focused transformation programme designed to help you attain true success in the Dunyah and Aakhirah.

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“Why am I not forging ahead in my Islam?”

  • You’re confused about what to prioritise in your deen and have a hard time explaining it to yourself and others.
  • You often wonder, "Do I even have a plan or the knowhow to get things where I want them ? Is it too late for me to change and excel?
  • You easily fall into the growth trap of thinking things will surely sort themselves out. Life's challenges wear you down, preventing you from reaching your full potential.
  • You experience a sense of unfulfilled potential within, while knowing you’re meant for something far greater.
  • The basics are not quite where you want them like your relationship with the Quran.
  • You have no idea where and how to start your journey towards becoming a Muslim who excels and is ready to give back.
  • Your manners and your relationships, although you know should be a priority are not being tackled head-on.

Many, even observant Muslims spend years either neglecting these, denying them or being paralysed with inaction in regards to these, leading to stagnation..

As a result, they don’t take action, so nothing CHANGES

The Sabeel programme has been designed to inspire change, transforming you in your relationship with Allah first and foremost, in your mindset and attitude, as well as your behaviour and Akhlaq to make you into a truly leading person, primed to excel.

We do this by empowering you with a tarbiyah journey that unlocks the highest ideals our faith wants us be as Muslims. Empowering you with Tarbiyah model that preserve the pristine teaching and principles, Islam seeks to actualise.

Imagine a life where you realise your true potential, lead by example, and foster a profound connection with Allāh ﷻ his Book and a renewed sense of dedication in your servitude.

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Islamic Sciences Intensive 





Picture yourself moving from:

Struggling with any plan, vision or pathway to change

Having a clear plan a profound mission your on and a clear steer on what direction to take to be a leading and excelling person.

Feeling disconnected from your Lord and why he created you

Embodying a strong renewed commitment to servitude, especially to the book of Allah and dedicated personal worship.

 Not living up to your

Becoming a Siddiq a forerunner, a leading
individual for the sake
of Allāh ﷻ

The Sabeel Siddiqiyah model empowers you with all the dimensions of development, providing you with clear foundations towards your journey to becoming a Siddiq. It’s time to take action with confidence.

The Sabeel Pathway Is Your Blueprint To Transformation.

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Length & Timing

A 3 Year Intensive Programme


Assessment for all taught elements

1:1 Murrabi

To track development & Tarbiyah

Programme Curriculum

The Sabeel Curriculum Framework has been designed to impart Islamic Sciences in a way that impacts the mindsets of students. It Produces rounded individuals who are empowered with the skill-sets honed throughout the journey and give students a tool-set that ensures transofrmation is occuring.
Sidiqiyah Model
Allah (swt) describes four levels in Sūrah al-Nisā':
And whoever obeys Allāh and the Messenger - they will be with those upon whom Allāh has bestowed favour of the Prophets, the ṣiddīqīn, the martyrs and the righteous. And what excellent companions they are! (Sūrah al-Nisā', 4:69)
Sabeel provides a framework to unlocking what a Siddiq is and how to become one.
The Knowledge Map
The Knowledge map presents the structure of Islamic Knowledge. It answers key questions :
What do I need to study in Islam? How do I prioritise? What are the branches of Islamic knowledge? How are various branches of Islamic Knowledge interconnected?
Tarbiyah— The Nurture Mindset
The nurture mindset is where students, once acquainted with  merits of adopting a Tarbiyah system, start to make breakthroughs. It encourages students to set goals and aspire to be the best versions of themselves they can be and details our way of habit formation. The programme further seek paradigm shifts in the way students think, act and behave.
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Manhaj al-Istidlaal— Methodology of Induction
Manhaj al-Istidlaal or the methodology of induction, simply is a three pronged process; correct sources followed by correct understandings and leading to correct implementation. Whilst straightforward in theory in application, students visit each stage of the process to see how 

Maqasid-As-Shariah— The Objectives of Islamic Law
An analysis of the Qur'an  to extract the aims of Sharī‘ah in its wider sense leads to one fact; the aims related to the life after death are more important than any other aims. Sabeel seeks for our students to be elucidated with these aims given them primacy in their lives.
Call To Action
Taught as a classical text. Students will leave having completed a text in Islamic jurisprudence.
Sabeel's approach is world-view shaping, hence students will undertake a unity driven text refelcting the Agreed upon creed of Ahlus-Sunnah 
Taught as on-demand webinars, students are taught then examined on selected chapters from Juz Amma the 30th chapter of the Qur’an
Taught as on-demand webinars, students are taught and examined on the classical primer of Imam an-Nawawi his collection of 40 Ahadith.
3 modules of Seerah, is a resource from which self-study, students will be examined ensuring each student graduates with the rudimentary grasp of Seerah events and a biographical account of the life of our Messenger.
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Sources of Islamic Law – Masadir al-Talaqy 
Masadir al-talaqi or the sources of rulings namely those agreed upon by the four schools of thought. 
Ulum al-Quran
Taught in the retreats as critical learning when we look at the Quran from the perspective of its revelation compilation, recitation and preservation.
Usul- at-Tafseer
How the Quran is a legislative source, how can we approach, understand and derive rulings from the Book of Allah and what governs our understandings. Students will dissect these critical understandings at the retreats.
Ulum al-Sunnah
Students receive an overview of the Sciences of Ḥadīth before looking at the methods deployed by the people of ḥadīth in pursuit of discerning narrations, including identifying the rigorously authentic from the weak and fabricated, to what a ḥadīth is, its various components. Next they are acquainted with tools and principles of how to understand ḥadīth.
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Ijmaa — Scholarly Consensus
The topic of Ijma'a, discusses the authority of the statements of scholars when there exists a consensus of opinion, Ijma’.
It further discusses the authority of statements when there is a lack of consensus.
Qiyaas — Deductive Analogy 
Taught as a legal methodological device with which the Sharia'h remains a source of rulings for infinite scenarios. Students recognise the significance and utility of Qiyas exploring its application.
Maslaha Mursalah— Unattested Public Benefit
Students are exposed to and acknowledge the wisdom of the Shari'ah and its methodology of legislation, Maslaha –a recognised and unattested benefit, is judged for it utility as a legal device in arriving at rulings, students will further acknowledge the limitations of man in knowing what is good and bad and in-turn Identify Islām’s unique understanding of and deployment Maṣlaḥah.
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Usul-al-Kilaaf — Differing in practice
By undertaking this transformative course student are able to:
Firstly recognise reasons for differences in rulings. Differentiate between acceptable reasons and unacceptable reasons for differing. Differentiate between areas where differing is permitted and not permitted.
Secondly, students are presented the practical guidelines that govern dealing with differences. Gain a more tolerant view regarding much of the differences between recognised scholars and schools of thought. Reshape attitudes to contextualise differences within the context of unity.


Usul al-Bida’ah
Coupled with topic of Khillaf the approach to the topic of Bid'ah seeks to address practically how to engage with the concept of Bid'ah, all whilst exploring the position of mainstream Islam. To facilitate unity between Muslim groups who have hostile differences because of minor issues The aim is not to label those who are innovators and who are not as this is not the preserve of a student, but to understand innovation to a competent level and understand how the guidelines of the Sharī'ah guide us to a balanced approach in all matters.
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The Sabeel Pathway is one that is underpinned by empowerment of our students through:

Mindsets Breakthrough

  • 'Ulu al-Himmah:  Lofty Aspiration 
  • Visioning and Vision Setting
  • Habit Formation

Skills Sets Acquirements

  • Productivity 
  • Leadership
  • Tazkiyah 
  • Akhlaq
  • Islāmic Da’wah & Activism

Tool Sets [Enablers]

  • Personal Journal to track and log progress
  • Annual Progress Report on 7 dimension 
  • Quranic Progress Reports 
  • Coaching Targets
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Course Curriculum

As-Sidiqiyah Model
These four levels are mentioned in Sūrah al-Nisā':
And whoever obeys Allāh and the Messenger - they will be with those upon whom Allāh has bestowed favour of the Prophets, the ṣiddīqīn, the martyrs and the righteous. And what excellent companions they are! (Sūrah al-Nisā', 4:69)
Sabeel provides a framework to unlocking what a Siddiq is and how to become one.

The Knowledge Map
The Knowledge map presents the structure of Islamic Knowledge. It provides answers to key questions Some of these questions include:
  • Is there a need for the Knowledge Map in the first place?
  • What do I need to study in Islam?
  • How do I prioritise?
  • What are the branches of Islamic knowledge?
  • How are various branches of Islamic Knowledge interconnected?

The early retreats serve as an introduction to the merits of adopting a Tarbiyah system in ones life. it encourages students to set goals and aspire to be the best versions of themselves they can be the programme does not hard wire to a particular end it is not like a traditional Islamic scholarship programme and as such the programme does not seek to produce scholars. The programme does seek paradigm shifts in the way students think act and behave.
Manhaj al-Istidlaal
Manhaj al-Istidlaal or the methodology of induction, simply is a three pronged process; correct sources followed by correct understandings and leading to correct implementation. The principles of understanding and implementing the sources of knowledge. The methodology of deduction is a systematic approach to studying the principles involved in reaching sound conclusions. The first step in this process is having accurate information. The second step involves understanding the information correctly, which this course addresses. Finally, this understanding must be properly implemented.

Close examination of all the various verses of the Qur’an that speak about aims of either creation or revelation, confirm that these aims revolve around two main types of aims:
  • Aims related to the life after death.
  • Aims related to this life.
An analysis of the Qur'an using the tools indicated above to extract the aims of Sharī‘ah in its wider sense leads to one fact; the aims related to the life after death are more important than any other aims. Sabeel seeks for our students to be elucidated with these aims.
Taught as a classical text using a non-classical nuanced approach. Students will leave having completed a text in Islamic jurisprudence.
Taught as a classical text using a non-classical nuanced approach. Students will leave having completed a text in Islamic jurisprudence.
Taught as on-demand webinars, students are examined on selected chapters from Juz Amma the 30th chapter of the Qur’an
Taught as on-demand webinars, students are examined on the classical primer of Imam an-Nawawi his collection of 40 Ahadith.
The Prophetic Seerah
The Seerah of the Mustafah is a 3 module course that is given to students as a resource from which they will be examined ensuring each student graduates with the rudimentary grasp of Seerah events.
Masadir al-Talaqy Pt 1 — Kulliyat al-Shareeah
A further 3 retreats are dedicated to outline the Masadir al-talaqi or the sources of rulings namely those agreed upon by the four schools of thought. This forms the first stage of a three stage process that is termed Manhaj al-Istidlaal as alluded to above
  • Ulum al-Quran
Taught in the retreats as critical learning when we present the primary source of legal rulings.
  • Usul- at-Tafseer
How the Quran is a legislative source, how can we approach, understand and derive rulings from the Book of Allah and what governs our understandings. Students will dissect these critical understandings at the retreats.
  • Ulum al-Sunnah
Regarded by scholars as being from the most eminent sciences, Its inextricable links to revelation being the form of the words of the Prophet (pbuh) which makes it a key science in one seeking a sound understanding of the religion.
  • In this retreat content you will be acquainted with an overview of the Sciences of Ḥadīth before looking at the methods deployed by the peope of ḥadīth in pursuit of protecting all narrations and reports including identifying the rigourously authentic from the weak and fabricated to what a ḥadīth is, its various components along with tools and principles of how to understand ḥadīth.
  • Ijmaa
This retreat deep dive  seeks to answer 2 main questions
Question 1: What is the reasoning behind this approach, i.e., starting with the authority of statements of scholars?
Question 2: How does this study of the authority of statements of scholars -which includes Ijma‘- relate to both sources of legislation and tools for understanding?
The Course is split into two main parts:
Part A discusses the authority of the statements of scholars when there exists a consensus of opinion, Ijma’.
Part B discusses the authority of statements when there is a lack of consensus.
  • Qiyaas
  • Maslaha
By the end of this retreat experience our students are able to:
  • Acknowledge the wisdom of the Shari'ah and its methodology of legislation.
  • Recognise the relationship between man and Maṣlaḥah, acknowledging the limitations of man in knowing what is good and bad and in-turn Identify Islām’s unique understanding of Maṣlaḥah.
  • Be able to define Maṣlaḥah and Maṣlaḥah Mursalah lexically and technically and Identify the levels and types of Maṣāliḥ.
By the end of this transformative retreat  the student will be able to:
  • Appreciate the importance of the study of differences as a subject matter in itself. Recognise reasons for differences in rulings.
  • Differentiate between acceptable reasons and unacceptable reasons for differing. Differentiate between areas where differing is permitted and not permitted. Differentiate between the different levels of severity of differing.
  • Grasp the practical guidelines that govern dealing with differences. Gain a more tolerant view regarding much of the differences between recognised scholars and schools of thought. Reshape attitudes to contextualise differences within the context of unity.

Usul al-Bida’ah
Coupled with Khillaf Retreat the subject seeks to identify implications of the understanding of bid'ah upon diverse communities and formulating a global vision:
  • To produce a definition that is clear and objective, based upon unequivocal evidence, showing the position of mainstream Islam.
  • To facilitate unity between Muslim groups who have hostile differences because of minor issues
  • To call others to come back to the principles the Ummah had agreed upon.
  • The aim is not to label those who are innovators and who are not as this is not the preserve of a student, but to understand innovation to a competent level and understand how the guidelines of the Sharī'ah guide us to a balanced approach in all matters.
  • Ulu al-Himmah
  • Visioning and Vision Setting
  • Habit Formation

Skills Sets
  • Productivity (Skill set)
  • Leadership
  • Tazkiyah
  • Akhlaq
  • Islāmic Da’wah & Activism

Tool Sets
  • Personal Journal to track and log progress
  • Annual 7 dimension survey and report

Why Choose the Sabeel Pathway for Transformation? 

Because we specifically designed it with transformation in mind!

It works in 3 elements, each element has its standalone merit but all elements come together to produce an experience for students that provides ample opportunity for transformative growth and forging meaningful and lifelong relationships with Murrabin and fellow students.

Physical Element 1: Retreats, Seminars, Dawraat  & Socials

For over 20 years we have perfected the art of holding retreats, the schedule is designed in a way that incorporates focused study sessions as well as workshops and activities. These critical elements whether seminars or Da’wraat give students a deep dive via an intensive study of Islamic sciences.

Online Element 2: Online, On Demand & Independent Learning Modules

We take learning to a whole new level with our on demand content, tackling 4 critical Islamic Sciences, our nuanced take, help deliver paradigm shifting breakthroughs in the world-view of our students and their behaviours. Studying the Seerah gives our students an indelible insight into the life of the Prophet ﷺ.

  • Aqeedah
  • Fiqh
  • Hadith
  • Seerah [3 Modules]

One on One Element 3: 1:1 Qur’an Classes & Coaching

Each students will undertake a transformational Quranic experience, 40 weeks of classes annually, assessed against agreed targets. Fluency, the Art of Recitation [Tajweed], as well as memorisation are all developed.

Our coaches engage you in small group sessions, getting students to commit to personal Ibadah, and Akhlaqi targets, this enables students to forge ahead with real change.

By holding group coaching  sessions of students, coaches craft relationships between students often “buddying up” for student to work together on an area they mutually want to improve.

Where our Murrabin are concerned with student commitment to the programme or your transformation you can expect 1:1 attention to work through issues holding you back from being the best version of yourself you can be.

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Our Murrabin

Dedicated Scholars and Instructors

Shaykh Shaqur Rehman

Shaykh Shaqur Rehman is a Senior Murrabi at Sabeel with over a decade of experience in delivering Tarbiyah. He holds a PGCE, an MA in Applied Linguistics, and a rich background in Islamic education from Egypt, Syria, and Saudi Arabia. He memorised the Qur’an and earned Ijaza in recitation and various Islamic sciences. Alongside teaching, he is currently a Senior Advisor at the Islamic Council of Europe.

Shaykh Asim Khan

Shaykh Asim Khan, former Imam of Redbridge Islamic Centre (London) for a decade, is the author of A Simple Seerah and The Heart of the Qur’an. A senior researcher for MRDF and Sabeel Murrabi, he holds a Master’s in Pharmacy (UCL) and has studied Arabic and Quranic Sciences in Cairo. Known for his Tafsir lectures, he regularly appears on Islamic TV channels and contributes to Islam21c.

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Open Now for 2025 Intake!

Don’t let this opportunity pass you by. Secure your spot today – We only have 80 spaces for 2025 intake. Take the first step towards realising your potential and becoming a positive contributor to the Ummah.

Transform your faith, your life, and your community with the Sabeel Pathway Programme. Embrace this chance to uncover your true potential and walk the path of continuous improvement with confidence and clarity.

Join Us and Be the Change You Wish to See




  • 36 Monthly Instalments of £79
  • 9 Residential Weekend Retreats
  • 120 Weeks of 30-minute 1-to-1 Qur'an classes
  • Over 60 Online Classes
  • Three 1-day Intensive Seminars
  • 9 Intensive Dawraat
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  • 3 Monthly Instalments of £840
  • 9 Residential Weekend Retreats
  • 120 Weeks of 30-minute 1-to-1 Qur'an classes
  • Over 60 Online Classes
  • Three 1-day Intensive Seminars
  • 9 Intensive Dawraat
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  • One-off hassle-free payment
  • 9 Residential Weekend Retreats
  • 120 Weeks of 30-minute 1-to-1 Qur'an classes
  • Over 60 Online Classes
  • Three 1-day Intensive Seminars
  • 9 Intensive Dawraat
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